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Digital Radiography
West Linn, OR

Dentist reviewing a digital xray in West Linn, OR at Roane Family Dental. The most difficult to examine part of the mouth to examine are the structures beneath the gums. At Roane Family Dental, we always make an extra effort to ensure that what is beneath the gums is just as healthy as what is visible to the naked eye. To achieve this, we make use of digital radiography. Radiographs are the x-rays that provide clear images of what lies beneath the soft tissues.

They work by sending out energy that can be absorbed by dense material. When a dental x-ray is performed, the energy passes through soft tissue like gums and is absorbed by the dense matter of teeth and bone. There are two main types of radiographs that we use in dentistry. These are intraoral and extraoral x-rays. Intraoral are taken from within the mouth, while extraoral are taken from outside.

Benefits of Dental X-rays

Being able to examine hidden areas of the oral cavity, including beneath the gums and within tooth structures are very important. It allows for better identification of dental problems and more precise planning for treatments. Even with problems like cavities, the problem may not be easily discernible with just a physical exam. A dental x-ray will, however, offer a better view that will guide our dentist on how to access the area and be sure as to the amount of decay.

X-rays also provide an opportunity to examine tooth roots. Cracks and other injuries can cause bacteria to seep into the root and cause decay. This may call for extreme treatments like tooth extractions or root canals. They also allow for examination of the bony area around the tooth. They can also help in confirming a diagnosis of periodontal disease and how much damage has been done. In children, these x-rays can also be used to track tooth development.

Types of Dental X-rays

Besides the choice of intra and extraoral x-rays, our dentist is guided on the type of radiographs to perform based on the particular type of condition being diagnosed. Bite-wing x-rays are conducted to determine the positioning of lower and upper molars and premolar teeth. They help ascertain how the teeth meet and if there is any tooth decay.

Occlusal x-rays are carried out on children to see the development of primary and permanent teeth. They offer an uninhibited view of the row of teeth along the upper or lower jaw, and the corresponding roof or floor of the mouth. They also help in identifying problems such as jaw fractures, cysts, and impacted teeth.

Panoramic x-rays are carried out to provide a detailed view of the jaws, teeth, nasal area and sinuses. This type of radiograph is useful when planning orthodontic treatments or implants. Periapical x-ray focus on a single tooth, from the crown all the way down to where the root meets the bone.

These x-rays are performed in our dentist's office and are painless. Digital x-rays expose patients to significantly less radiation as compared to older radiography. The images are digitally rendered in moments so that our dentist can make a quick examination and determination of the results, all during the same visit.

If you have any dental worries that you believe warrant a closer investigation, do get in touch with us for help. To make your appointment, call us, Roane Family Dental at (503) 657-1215, and we will ensure the best dental care possible.

I adore Dr. Roane and his staff.

"I have been a patient here for 10 years, since he started this practice. He has fixed my chipped front teeth twice, most recently this week. He is truly an artist and such a nice guy! My teeth look natural and healthy again. As always, the procedure was painless, quick, and professional. The office is clean, the front office is efficient, and everyone is friendly.

Dr. Roane even opened the clinic on New Year's Day a few years ago to treat my daughter's dry socket after she had her wisdom teeth pulled. I will always be grateful for that, and will remain a loyal patient here even though I moved to Tigard 2 years ago."
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Digital Radiography | Roane Family Dental | West Linn, OR dentist
If you have any dental worries that you believe warrant a closer investigation with digital radiography and x-rays, do get in touch with Roane Family Dental for help.
Roane Family Dental, 2180 8th Ct, #100, West Linn, OR 97068-4310 | (503) 657-1215 | | 10/11/2024 | Key Phrases: dentist West Linn OR |